Wednesday, October 31, 2007

It was supposed to be warm today, but the wind was blowing and it was really quite chilly. It was very dark when Chelsea and I went for our walk so we did not go too far. We stayed on the lighted streets in Tall Grass.

Today was grocery shopping day but before we left turned off the water to the outside faucet and drained it. Now I have to decide if I want to bring in the hose or not.

We went to Family Restaurant for breakfast and then on to the Pig. We were home at about 10AM. I did a bit of sewing on CWI Sweatshirt Jackets and then got ready to go to the bank for an appointment and to Walgreens to pick up a prescription for Dick. We also drove over to Aurora for our flu shots. Glad that is done BUT my arm is sore and I am very tired. Of course, the tiredness could be because it is evening and I am usually tired then.

I then went to my friend Kate's house to help her start putting baskets together for the basket raffle at St. John the Baptist Craft event which is Saturday from 9 to 3. We sorted enough stuff for about 25 and she figures she needs at least 50. I told her I would try to help her again on Friday Morning. Tomorrow, she, I and Bev, also from the Plymouth Writer's Club, will be meeting at Lakeland College for the writer's event that is held every year. Should be a "loverly" day. ( I am feeling a bit musical.) It continues on Friday. There are less opportunities for adults at the Friday event. But I will see what fits my schedule. I also have to work at Rhine that evening.

A little Haiku for you.

It was a good day.
Peaceful and without crisis
I am so grateful.

A haiku traditionally SHOULD speak of nature but modern poets do sometimes stray from that and this one fits the 5-7-5 rule. AND I kind of like it.



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