Monday, September 24, 2007

We had a lively bible study this morning. Helen Maurer came up with a good question. Are there prophets today? It seems to us that there must be. But there are a lot of charlatans out there too. Because of that and a general feeling of maybe too much practicality, I would think people who might have the gift would be reluctant to tell anybody.

There are people who see spirits too. I have a friend who does. I have no reason to disbelieve her. Perhaps you would feel differently but since I believe that we live beyond our death and that heaven is not a "place" as such, we just move to a different plane.

After bible study I stopped to visit Mother. I took her some of my mini-stuffed peppers and a loaf of pear bread. She has a quiet week this week. Just the meals for the elderly tomorrow and then on Thursday she gets her hair cut.

I picked up the flannel backing for the baby quilts and the batting. I should be able to finish one of them this week because I have a rather quiet week too.

Bobbie and Bill come home tomorrow so we fed the kitties for the last time for a while. They are getting very friendly and cuddly. Perhaps I can bring them home some day.

I have started a poem. It is rather rough yet but I will bounce it off of you. It is autumn and one must try to take inspiration where one can.

The trees are full of color
Like an artist's palette with no rhyme or reason
The joy of the season is reflected in the hues
Of the trees as we drive through country roads

I store these colors and this beauty in the recesses of my soul
To comfort and warm me when the cold stark white and gray
Of winter threaten to overcome me and leave me empty.


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