Friday, September 28, 2007

This morning I got to sleep until 6:30AM. Of course, Chelsea TRIED to get me up at a little after 5AM but I gave her some lettuce and shut her out of the bedroom. Then Dick got up sometime later and kept her in the office again. We figure 6:30 is about as late as we want to push her. The walk was perfect. Trees along the park and railroad tracks are turning beautiful big splotches of color. The sun was shining on an bank of them and it was breathtaking.

Then I cleaned the kitchen. I called my friend Kate and Ron is no longer running fevers but is still so very thin and weak. Pray for him.

I cleaned my gun today too.

Had lunch with my Wells Fargo friends today. There were only four of us there today. We fluxuate between four and eight.

Tonight Bobbie and I worked at Rhine. I got the gun room. On league night that is an adventure though not as big an adventure as a Lewis Shoot. We started out very slowly. I even got to shoot my pistol league before we really got started. I am not doing TOO well. But each week is either stable of better than the week before. My competition, Lil Meerstein, is kicking butt. She seems to have GOTTEN it.

Then at about 7:30PM things really began to hop. We ended up with about 40 rounds being shot. Then it got a little long. Everybody was having such a good time and hung around longer than Bobbie and I cared for. We stayed until 9:30 and then hinted to Jimmy that we would like to go home. He was then able to handle the bar and we had counted both the gunroom and the bar moneyso he just had to dish out beer and close up.

I also worked on one of the baby quilts and should finish it by Monday.

I sent the following on to many of you,but it is funny enough to share with the rest of you.

A Woman's Poem

He didn't like the casserole
And he didn't like my cake.
He said my biscuits were to hard...
Not like his mother used to make.
I didn't perk the coffee right
He didn't like the stew,
I didn't mend his socks
The way his mother used to do
I pondered for an answer
I was looking for a clue.

Then I turned around and smacked the shit out of him.

Just like his mother used to do.

I remember in my first marriage that I tried to darn my husband's socks. I did an absolutely beautiful job and the next time he wore them he wore holes in new spots so you KNOW I never did that again.



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