Friday, June 08, 2007

Today was supposed to be really nice. After the storm (which we did not get) we were promised a nice calm day with temps in the 70s. Well it did reach the 70s but not until late afternoon after I had changed twice because I was cold and had to keep layering more clothes on my chilly body.

Chelsea again woke me up too early. This morning it was 5:15AM. Dick was sleeping again and you know that if he is sleeping I try to keep him that way because he has such trouble getting rest. SO -there we went, walking at an ungodly hour again. At least it is summer and is light then. It was not too cold but I wore a light shirt to keep the chill out and we walked for about 40 minutes. It was a pleasant walk but I am starting to feel the lack of sleep. It probably would be OK if this stormy weather was not causing achy joints and muscles from the arthritis. As they say, growing old is not for the weak.

I did all my physical work this morning so I would be able to lay back a bit this afternoon when I knew the early rising would hit me. So I cleaned the kitchen and went out in the back garden for about an hour this morning before I took my shower. Pretty good plan, I thought.

I had lunch with my bank buddies at DairyQueen. Then home and a short nap. Some days I can really relax and others it just isn't as successful. Today my neck and arm ached and the nap was only mildly too successful. I sound like a whiner. Don't I? Don't mean to as overall it was not a Bad day. I miss my kitties though. Probably because I am tired and miss old Oscar. He always cuddled me when I was tired. He was such a comfort.

Now I am rambling.

I fixed a lasagna out of the leftover spaghetti and meatballs that we had left from the other night for dinner. It sure was good. We had fresh dill bread that I made this afternoon too. Love that bread machine.

Tonight I went downstairs and quilted some more. I have one more panel and two corners to hand quilt on the kitty quilt. Then I can do the binding and will only have the sashing left to do. I feel excited now, as I always do when suddenly I can see the end of a project. It does seem to be sudden too. Though of course one keeps working towards it.

The following is on a tag that came with the Don't Piss Off the Fairies stone. I love it.

They are armed with sling shots, bows and arrows and wands. Keep them on your side. Be sure the water in the bird bath is fresh and there's Krispy Kreme and Coca Cola around... they love sweets...however, this leads to a carb high. Then you really have to tippy toe around.

Wonderful things will happen if they settle in your garden,
flowers will bloom, your trash will smell sweet and
cats will be very wary.
Here are a few fairy facts:
They don't grant wishes, they make decisions.
They don't wear panties.
Their wings get waterlogged in rainstorms...then they can't fly.
This may be your only chance to see one.

Isn't that a cool write up? I will be looking during and after the next storm.



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