Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunday. There is something relaxing about Sundays even when one is retired. I was talking to Ceil, one of my retired banker friends, on Friday. We were commenting on how much Sunday's mean to us. We go to church which gets our heads on straight for the next seven days. This also gives a benchmark for the week so we don't lose track of which day of the week it is.

Fr. Van Beeck was funny this morning. He always greets people as they come in before Mass and was asking how many Happy Pentecost Day greetings people had received so far.

We spent a nice quiet day. I fixed a "Sunday" breakfast (bacon, eggs, toast and potatoes). Chelsea really approves of such meals. Have I told you that we really have to watch using words like "lunch", "breakfast" or "dinner" in our conversations because if she hears them she starts to nag. She is getting more whiny about things the older she gets.

I went down and did a couple of motifs on the kitty quilt this afternoon. I CAN see results. I can hardly wait to have it done so I can see the finished product too. I did a teeny bit of yard work, mainly picking out a few weeds in the area that are close to done to polish them off a bit. Did I tell you that we have lily of the valley under the deck? Bobbie knew what they were. Since ONE of them was blooming, I might have figured it out, but sure appreciate Bobbie helping me identify some of the things that are there. And there are a lot of nice plantings.

We had bratwurst and Kunert potato salad for supper with a piece of the rhubarb cake for dessert. Then, after I cleaned up, I went over and spent an hour with Boots. Boots will be SO happy tomorrow afternoon when Jim and Michelle come home and his life gets back to normal. He is a sweet kitty and seems to enjoy my company, though he doesn't interact too much.

We are watching the National Memorial Day Concert tonight. They made me cry with a feature about one of the wounded who came back only because of the faith, care and love of his then fiance. It was a beautiful love. Not all wounded have someone who loves them so much and not all are so lovable. But even the unlovable, have given more than should be required of anybody and we owe them all the care, honor and dignity that is needed to provide them with either independence or a safe and sheltered place to live. Can we do that? We had better.

Our Nora is putting herself at risk. Even as a nurse, she could end up in a dangerous place and will end up seeing more than a young person should have to see. I pray in thanks for her courage and determination and for her safety.

It was quite windy today, though up in the high 70s. Surprisingly the planters are not drying out too fast. Good thing, I would have trouble keeping up with the watering if they did. Tomorrow, I will spend more time out in back. I am going to switch hoses. I think the one we brought from Hunters Glen is long enough to reach the back flower beds and the lilacs. The one that was left her is just a bit too short. I need to fill the bird bath again too. There is a little rill that runs along the back in the woods and under a trestle. I suppose it will dry up before summer is through. This year is a learning experience for us.

Be safe and enjoy your Memorial Day. The flag is flying proudly in front of our house. In memory.

Pray God that all this war will end and that men will stop hating each other. Different is not bad. God loves everybody that He made. That means everybody. I learned years ago that "God don't make junk." Let our young men and women come home and let children no longer live in fear and hunger.


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