Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day. We had our flag up for the whole weekend. It seems like that is really not enough to honor those who have served and given all for our country. But there it is and my prayers are with them all today. I pray too for the families who miss these brave patriots.

I dug the weeds of the last BIG section of the garden in the back. It looks pretty good. I am going to be putting in a few herbs back there - oregano (which usually grows and comes back with a vengeance.) and thyme. I also intend to move some of the chives back there and reposition some of those in front. They are really too close to the walk. Anyway, my shoulders and arms are really stiff and sore tonight. But now I should be able to spend small amounts of time a few times a week to keep it looking good.

I need to contact the condo association to find out how we get the maintenance people to get rid of the weeds in the area between our condo and Harold and Helen next door.

I went to Mom's this afternoon to see George and Betsy. The timing was perfect. Jeff and Kathy and Randy and Donna along with Becky and Erin all came too. The guys had just returned from Indy. (they go every year you know.) And for the first time ever, the gals had all packed up and gone to Chicago to see a show. They saw Wicked. Smart choice.

George and Betsy gave me a gift. They went to the Texas A & M Silent Taps Ceremony dedicated to all Texas A & M students that had died in the past year. It is a very touching ceremony and the family and friends are told to shed all their tears at this ceremony and then go on with life. Anyway, they received copies of a beautiful poster depicting the ceremony with the guard, the crowd and the school and it is signed and inscribed to our Courtney. I am so happy to have it and will find a perfect place for it. I think I will hang it near one of the many little shelves that are in this house so that I can put her picture and the little cat treasure box near it.

Dick and I played Scrabble tonight, and I won by about 5 points, only because I lucked out at the end. I spent the first 6 0r 8 moves with six vowels on my board 5 of them were the letter i.

Now the weekend is over. Tomorrow we go for another lymphodema treatment for Dick. I will renew my massage "tecnique" and Sandi, the therapist, promised me a hot parifin treatment for my wrists to see if that will help the arthritis pain. Sounds like a nice deal to me. I do know that soaking in hot water does help some.

Guess this is all until tomorrow. Have a good week.



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