Friday, June 01, 2007

Such a satisfying day. We were home for most of it.

I cleaned, of course. The kitchen floor and cabinets. And Dick and I mixed up a batch of White. Zinfindal. That in itself is a full day.

I went to Dairy Queen and there were five of us at lunch. It was good to see Alice Prahl and Mary Schroeder, they don't make it at often as the rest of us. On the way home, I swung by the Post Office to stock up on stamps AND

When Chelsea got her haircut, I gave her a brand new red collar. As I moved her license tags, I realized that we had not licensed her this year. SO today,I stopped at city hall here in Plymouth and got her a dog license. She is now legal. As she had not been licensed in Plymouth before we did not have to pay a penalty. We will for sure hear her coming now. She really jingles.

Dick took his shower this afternoon so we could get all the massaging and wrapping and doctoring done at a reasonable hour BECAUSE he took me out for a fish fry. Just like when we were dating. We went to Antoinette's here in town. Boy, do they ever have a good fish fry. We would recommend them anytime.

I heard from Suzi, Dick's niece. She is driving Dick's sister, Hazel, up to visit another niece, Theresa's for a visit on June 14. They are going to leave their place on June 13 and spend the night on the way so we can all have a visit. We are looking forward to that.

The other day, Sharon Stone was on Jay Leno's show and mentioned that she had come to a realization that she had too much stuff and there were people who have too little. So she gave her Porsche away. I had to laugh. I admired that. and feel good because I have done, on a much less dramatic scale, the same thing. It is time again to go through the closets and get rid of excess. It is no Porsche, I know, but is the best that I can do.

Thunder is rumbling up in the sky. Hope we get some rain to go with it. Since I planted out back, I have not had to haul the hose down to water.

A Haiku

The sky is grumbling
Will its anger send us tears
Of rain to cleanse us.


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