Thursday, May 31, 2007

We finally got some promised rain today. It started later this afternoon. It was quite mild but steady and seemed to soak in pretty good.

We were busy from the time we woke up at 6 until after noon. First I walked Chelsea, then we breakfasted and headed for the Plymouth Clinic for Dick's massage therapy. Things are going quite well. Both legs have lost centimeters up and down so things are working. We have three more sessions with her and then she will probably order some thigh high stockings. Sandi let me do another paraffin treatment on my poor sore arthritic hands. They really do make my hands feel better.

We went right from the Plymouth Clinic to the Sheboygan Clinic so Sue could check Dick's blood to see how his anti coagulants are doing. He is FINALLY right back where he should be. So we go back in a month and hopefully we are on a roll again. He was right where he should be for almost two years before this infection business goofed everything up.

Next we hopped on over to Sears and bought a vacuum for the upstairs and a small carpet cleaner so that we can attack this office. The whole house should be cleaned once a year and we will probably get someone to come in and do that, but Chelsea has left spots ALL over this carpet in the office and we feel we should do that at least once a month for a while so it doesn't turn doggy spit gray.

Then we stopped at Hunters Glen and ran the water. We changed the battery in one of the smoke detectors then found that another is low. So I took the battery out of that one (there is an open house on Sunday and beeping does not seem like a good idea). We will go back next week and replace that one and the one in the detector upstairs. I need to spend a day or two trimming bushes too. We had better sell that place pretty soon. The idea of a condo is that I will have less to do and keeping up the gardens at Hunters Glen won't help that.

Last stop, Walgreens for a couple of prescriptions. Then HOME. And were we ever glad to get there.

The afternoon was quiet. I made a Waldorf Salad to go with our dinner. We had ham, potatoes, veggie and the salad. I had gotten ice cream cookie cones, so we had an ice cream cone for dessert.

I even had time to do some quilting before 7:00. There is NOTHING we want to see on TV so we put on Joseph (I know, I know we just SAW it) but we wanted to just hear the music again. And it is very pleasant. I am sure glad we have it. Donny Osmond was truly wonderful as Joseph.

Fractured Zen

Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone.

That struck me as funny. I suppose it isn't really but takeoffs on really sentimental things often are.

I have decided that I need a logo. Something to put on my poems, my notepaper and on any cards that I design for people. Have any suggestions?

The kid's mother is going to have to have more surgery. There is an infection on top of everything else. So keep up the prayers.



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