Sunday, April 01, 2007

Am I every embarrassed and relieved. On Friday, I was trying to trade work weekends at Rhine. For some reason or other, I thought that I was working the weekend of April 20 -22. That is the weekend that I am going to Galena. Today, I went to check which teams would be OK to trade with and realized that I work NEXT weekend, which is just fine. Boy am I glad I didn't find anyone who COULD trade.

I went to Mass in Falls. I think I mentioned that I was going to. Mother was really glad that I was there. I suggested that she go over with her walker to get the practice. We sat in the back and I brought her communion so she didn't have to walk up to the front without support. She has decided that if she DOES go alone, she will sit in the front so they can just bring communion to her. A friend, Dorothy Walsh, does that so Mother finds it acceptable.

It was Palm Sunday, so most of the congregation met in the church hall and processed into church at the beginning of mass. I took our palms and joined the crowd downstairs so we could have them blessed while Mother waited upstairs. It is a long Mass with both the blessing of palms AND the reading of the Passion so we weren't back to Mother's until almost noon.

Then, I went home by way of Hunters Glen so that I could run the water and flush the toilets. There is a showing tomorrow morning at 8:30AM. Kind of early, I hope that is a good sign. I decided to take the pot off the deck that I have wanted. It was full of water. I managed to get it off the deck and down the stairs with just a few splashes on the pants and shoes and dumped the excess water out of the bottom. Just then our neighbor, Mary Yurk, from across the street came over to talk for a bit and she helped me get it into the car. I also took two smaller ones so the only pots left on the deck are the real big ones. It seems wise to take the rest as the one rotten offer we got indicated that they wanted stuff hauled away and I got the impression that the pots might have been part of that. On the way home, the big pot toppled gently over and dumped dirt out. SO when I got home, I had to vacuum and wipe down the back of the Santa Fe. It cleaned up just fine.

We had chili for dinner tonight. Mine this time and it is really good. You still can partake you know. I think we will be having it again on Wednesday.

I watched CatMinster on the Game Show Network. It is supposed to be the Westminster of Cat Shows. Saw some real ugly and some really great cats. There was a beautiful Manx. It had no tail at all but is built much like our Roxie.

I sent a poem in to Prairie Home Companion for a poetry contest. Mine did not win. But I listened to SOME of the show today between chores. You can read the winning poems at and I will share mine with you. Garrison said he had over 2000 entries. He also told the story of a research librarian who is writing a novel and intends to sell it and retire somewhere on the coast of Maine.

Here is my poem


Spring enters quietly dressed in drab

Trying to sneak past Old Man Winter

Who has become old and blind

And he still causes havoc in his dying days

Trying to sneak past Old Man Winter

She is young and full of frolic

And he still causes havoc in his dying days

Because he knows he cannot win

She is young and full of frolic

She tucks fresh life under her shawl

Because he knows he cannot win

She slips past him with gentle power.

She tucks fresh life under her shawl

Who has become old and blind

She slips past him with gentle power

Spring enters quietly dressed in drab.

Have a good week


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