Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Poor Chelsea had quite a night last night. The thunder sent her down into the depths of the basement to hide. We lucked out this morning though. There was a respite from the rain just at the time we were ready to walk and it was not too cold. SO we went for quite a good walk. We did not go down to the big part of the park because I could see lakes in the part near highland and did not particularly want to swim the last few hundred yards.

This morning I had a gastroscopy done. Dr. Murthy was hoping that we could find out the reason my stomach hurts. They did not find anything out of the ordinary but did biopsy the esphagus for some reason. I see Dr. Murthy next Tuesday and he will explore other reasons for the discomfort. In the meantime I will keep taking antacids and watching when and what I eat.

I rested most of the rest of the day.

My computer is driving me crazy. Now I can't print and can't adjust the sound. I think it has something to do with the System set up as I have been getting odd windows when I boot, but the things I have done to correct them are not helping. I guess me and the computer do not think alike. I wish I had taken some classes in computers. I do understand when things are explained to me and can usually correct the SAME problem, but something new comes along and I think either my logic or the computers is warped.

We also have this new backup but neither Dick nor I know how to use the darn thing. I am too tired tonight to try to figure anything else out. So. I won't.

Have a nice Wednesday. Tomorrow I get to stay home except that we are out of gauze for Dick's dressings so I will have to zip on over to Walgreens.



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