Sunday, March 25, 2007

Today was TRULY spring. It didn't start out that way. Chelsea and I walked in rather comfortable temperatures. I did make her turn back at the end of the tract because I didn't want to be rushing to get to church on time. Then when I came home from church, it was really foggy.

But by this afternoon, though it was cloudy, it was also warm. The temperatures were up in the mid 60s. I took the captains chairs out on the deck with one of the little plastic tables and sat out there and read for about an hour. Then it started chilling down at about 4:30PM so I came in. But it was a portent of things to come. Dick and I will REALLY enjoy this wonderful spot when summer really arrives and we can sit out there in the afternoons and evenings. Just like at Hunters Glen, it will be shady in the back during the afternoon hours.

Jim and Michelle fried out tonight. They have a gas grill and it is on their deck. Their burgers smelled SO good. I am jealous. Remember that I WON two gas grills but Dick and Jim said they did not want one and I had to donate them back to the church. Now I wish I had hidden one of them somewhere. I am so hungry for a good brat. But God knows when that will happen. Probably about the same time I get my Kitties back. We had to throw our old charcoal grill away too, you know. It was really too old and disgusting to bring along. It was after all 20 years old and overused. Well, such is life.

We did have a good dinner, chicken breast with pork and beans, fresh biscuits, salad and banana bread pudding. I do love to cook.

It is not almost 8PM and I am very tired. I tried to take a little nap after lunch but there was too much noise. Dick took one of the sleeping pills that Dr. Phelan had given him after I came home from church.. Most of you know how much trouble he has sleeping and the past couple of weeks it has been getting worse. We figured that if he tried during the day and had any trouble with sleepwalking, I would be awake and able to take care of him. He did not have any adverse reactions and DID get more sleep than he has had in a long time. I hope this will help. It is really a discouraging situation.

Tomorrow is comparatively quiet, at least to start out with. I have bible study at 9:30 and then will stop at Mother's . We are going to call Dr. Hancock about a pain that she is experiencing hin her leg. So it may turn out to be more eventful than I expect. We will just "play it by ear".

Have a glorious week. It is supposed to be sunny and warm tomorrow and rainy and warm the rest of the week. I am grateful for either.



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