Monday, March 26, 2007

It was and still is very unseasonably warm today. It is currently still 67 degrees out there. They say rain and a cool front are on the way but it is supposed to drop down only to the 40s which is much more normal for March in Wisconsin. Chelsea was very pleased that I am still willing to keep on a truckin'. We saw two bunnies and a squirrel today which she finds quite exciting.

Went to Bible Study. There were just 5 of us today but we kept it lively. We are coming down to the last weeks of lent now. The first reading today was from Isaiah. It spoke of the fact that the Israelites were supposed to be the voice of the Lord. We wonder if this is expected of us. There seem to be often both sides of an issue given as commands. Jesus also says that we are to submit or turn the other cheek. Does this just apply to us or what. We want to see what the two priests will have to say on Sunday and compare notes.

Then I went over to Mom's. She is still having pain in her right leg. The Tylenol is not helping so we called Dr. Hancock's nurse. She checked with Dr. Hancock and they have prescribed a stronger Tylenol that I will pick up tomorrow and take over to her. The pain is wearing her out and she doesn't need that. Aside from that all is well. She was planning on walking out into the back yard to her garden this afternoon because of the beautiful weather. She has that nice walked now and seems pleased to be able to use it. I hope it doesn't give her false confidence now. But at least if she is out there and gets tired she can just sit.

I stopped at WalMart on the way home and picked up some spring and summer dog walking shoes, a bird feeder, and a couple of shirts that were on sale. Chelsea and I hung the bird feeder down below the deck on a tree where we can see it from the living room AND the deck. Birds are already sampling, so I am going to have to get more food, I am sure. I filled the bird bath while I was at it. I probably will be free of that chore for a couple of days as it is supposed to rain through Saturday.

Her is a little spring poem that I wrote this past week.


Propelled by sunshine
Washed in gentle showers
The daffodil, Spring's yellow trumpet
Joins the serenading cardinal
In a flowering musical extravaganza.

Enjoy YOUR beginning of Spring too.


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