Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Chelsea had a very exciting day today. When we went for our walk it was still pretty warm and we just did the whole thing. She pranced along really good and so did I.

Then at about 9:00AM I picked up that prescription for Mom and took it right over to Falls for her and let Chelsea ride along. That doggy does like her rides and Mother is always glad to see her. Mom had already taken a regular Tylenol but as I told her it was probably just as well. Today she was going to the Senior Meals at the grade school and the prescription MAY make her drowsy. Best to find that out when she is going to be home. I hope she tried one this afternoon or evening.

Chelsea's final excitement was a thunderstorm. Boy was she unhappy. All of a sudden a big boom of thunder followed by heavy rain sent her hopping. It did not last too long though. Just enough to wet everything and fill the birdbath.

Dick and I worked on a household project today which still needs work but is getting there. Dick also got the wine up on the bench so we can rack it tomorrow. We have pretty well decided that unless we can figure out a way to get those five gallon jugs up and down from the bench, we will have to give up the big batches of wine.

Tomorrow will be busy. We start early with a finger blood test by Sue for Dick at 8:30AM in Sheboygan. After the 6 count we had two weeks ago, which adjusted so quickly, I hope it has stayed where it belongs.

Have a good Wednesday.

A friend sent me this one. I was sure surprised and pleased that it works.

If you hold down the Ctrl key on your key board and turn the small wheel
in the middle of your mouse, the print size will change - it will either get
larger or smaller - depending on which way you turn the wheel.


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