Saturday, March 17, 2007

Today was a day of highs and lows. Mostly highs.

Started off a bit before Six AM with Chelsea and I going for a nice long walk. She sure is happy that we are not turning back at the corner any more. All of her good smells are back. But she sure is tired when we get home.

We got Dick to the Clinic at 9AM for Sue to test his blood again. Yippee! it tested out at 2.2 Quite a dramatic improvement over the awful 6 that it tested at on Thursday. Sue was very happy too. We are to go back in two seeks unless the blood test next Wednesday shows some problem.

We got home at 9:30, plenty of time for me to change and gather stuff up for the bit Irishman's Walk. Jeff and Kathy got her at 10AM. Jeff, Kathy, Jim, Michelle and I all piled in Jeff's van. Jim dropped us off at the Family Video for the gathering. Boy was there a crowd this year. What with the beautiful weather and the fact that it is a Saturday the ranks just swelled. We made our way to the Inn where Jim had a table saved for us. We ate (I had root soup and a corned beef sandwich with fries) and then went out in plenty of time to get a good seat to see the band. This year they did have entertainment. Sometimes, when it is during the week, they don't have a band until evening when the crowds come. But this year a band, Beef Tea, was in a tent in the parking lot. There were lots of friends there. The Mersbergers, Nancy Roehre, Rip and Christine O'Dwanny. I had a really good time.

We came home at about 1:30PM. Jeff and Kathy headed for Falls to see Mom so I sent her some wine and the money I got for her the other day. Then I took a nap.

We left for Bobbie and Bill's a bit before 5PM. Nice drive. Bobbie fixed an excellent dinner as usual, her Mexican Lasagna. It was GOOD. Then we had Sacher Tort for dessert. Chelsea got to go along, of course. She always gets to go to the "goddess's "house.

Roxie came out and let me pet her. She may remember me. I am not sure. But Oscar was scared and would not have anything to do with me. My heart is broken.

Now that we are through with hospitals for while, I will be able to go to he 8AM Masses again. So tomorrow will be normal. I am a Eucharistic minister too. So glad, it would be embarrassing to have to find another substitute.



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