Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Guess what. My day at home turned out to be just a dream. Our appointment with Dr. Phelan was changed to 9:30 this morning. and we did not get home until about 12:00Noon.

The appointment went very well. Dr. Phelan feels that, at this point, the antibiotics have done as much as they can. There is still Something wrong, but we will go without the meds for a while at least and see how things go. We have to pick up a very expensive salve to put on some spots on his feet that are troublesome and must continue with the special soap and cream when bathing.

SO. He had Theresa, a nurse there, take out the PICC line. BOY is that a long thing. It just slides right out though and Dick felt no discomfort at all. He has to have a blood test next Wednesday to see if the good levels are holding. We stopped at Walmart for a bit of shopping, the Plymouth Clinic to make an appointment for the blood test and I filled the tank. We were beat when we got home. I fixed lunch and then took a nap.

Anyway, no more 5AM wakeups and every evening at the hospital. We are SO tired and SO grateful that we can maybe get caught up on some rest. Dr. Phelan gave Dick some sleeping pill samples which we hope will help him get some rest too.

When I got up, I vacuumed and made some fudge to send to Bart for his birthday. I have some left if you want to come over.

Now we don't have to worry about what time Bobbie will have us over for dinner on Saturday. She can just choose a time.

Just a little joke. I read Andy Capp this morning. He is at the track and tells his companion. "It's not a good sign when the horse you've bet on sinks to its knees when they put the saddle on."



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