Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Another 5AM wake up. I was really sound asleep when Dick called me. This morning went well. We asked Linda to check and be sure that we were getting a dose this evening. She called Dr. Phelan's office and they said that we were but that he wanted to see Dick tomorrow instead of Thursday. There goes our "whole day at home". Oh well, we wouldn't know what to do with all that luxury.

I have a feeling that Dr. Phelan will be putting him on another round. We got to Valley View tonight to find out that there WAS NO evening dose, but the trip was not for nothing as the lab had to take blood anyway. He also got the ports flushed one more time.

We countered on the low ball offer that we got on Hunters Glen. I don't believe we will hear from them again.

Tonight I went to the funeral of a dear friend, Stan Payne. Stan and his wife, Peg have been Irish friends for many a year now. Peg and I found common roots when we worked at Wells Fargo together. For Example: Her mother, Margaret Michaels, stayed with my Grandpa and Grandpa Bowser in Sheboygan Falls while going to the Normal School (the teaching college) back in the late 1920s or so. Families did that. The Michaels were friends from the Parnell area.

Stan was a barber in Cascade until he retired. He had been quite ill with heart failure for the past few years and the last time I saw him he was quite weak. It was at a picnic at St. Michaels out in Town Mitchell. He stood up, sweet gentleman that he was, to greet me. He said that with his struggles he felt that people were looking at him and it made him feel funny. I told Stan that he should stand tall and let them look because he was well worth looking at. The past few days, I hope that he remembered what I told him and walked up to St. Peter at the gate and said. "Here I am, Stan Payne and I have come to get what I have been promised." If anyone earned the promise of the Lord, Stan did.

Today was absolutely beautiful. The temperatures were up to 63 degrees and the snow is fading fast.



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