Thursday, February 15, 2007

We are down to one more day. Today, we had to add in a visit to Dr. Hodous to have the calouses trimmed. They are still there but not as deep as they were before. We hope in time that we won't have to go there so often either.

We went grocery shopping too.

So we didn't get settled at home until almost 11:00AM. That makes a mighty long morning. We both took naps after lunch. I must have really been tired because I fell sound asleep for almost an hour. Usually, I only doze for about 20 minutes or so.

There is a a great song that I hear at Irish Fest but is really a folk song, not necessarily Irish. Dick and I were thinking of the last verse recently. It is a good motto for us and any one else who is under pressure. It is the story of a crew who bring up a ship that sinks during a storm when the owners want to leave it lying there.

Here it is - enjoy.

"And you to whom adversity has dealt it's final blow.
Those smiling bastards lyin' to you everywhere you go.
Turn to and give it all you have of arm, of heart of brain
And like the Mary Ellen Carter - Rise Again.

Rise again
Rise again
Though your heart it be broken and life about to end.
No matter what you've lost
Be a home, a love a friend.
Like the Mary Ellen Carter - Rise again."

We are hanging in there and will rise again.



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