Saturday, December 16, 2006

Dick and I finished our Christmas shopping today. I refuse to buy ANOTHER thing. I wrapped everything too. There is one gift that we ordered online that needs wrapping but everything else is under the tree and it look very pretty.

I also dropped the recipes for Irish Soda Bread and Scripture cake off at the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center for Beth to publish in the newsletter. I still remember people that had been to Ireland taking a big wiff of that Brown Bread before slathering on the butter and taking a bite. Memory food. I will have to make a batch next weekend and get a loaf to Mom and Bobbie for Christmas.

Today, I sent a few more e-christmascards. And Dick and I racked the chokecherry wine. It will need at least two more rackings before we bottle it.

I have two little things to share with you. A quote "How sad it would be to see clouds where there are angels."

And a poem that I wrote for a Christmas Card this year.

Reason for the Season

Birthday Candles!
The stars in the heavens
Proclaim the birthday of the King.

Sleep tight.


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