Friday, December 15, 2006

I called Mother this morning to see how she was feeling. She told me that she was feeling better but was really disgusted because she had just received a call from the doctor's office. The results of her tests showed that she still has the bladder infection and the doctor has prescribed antibiotics again. This time he ordered Amoxycillin. This is a MUCH milder and antibiotic and less likely to cause trouble, but Mom had vowed that she wasn't going to take any more new meds. I told her that she should because the infection HAS to be cleared up before she will really be well.

Randy stopped by a bit later and she told him how she felt. Randy called the doctor's office and consulted with the nurse, who told them ALL the possible side effects. She also reaffirmed what I had said about clearing up the infection. It won't clear itself and will only get worse without treatment. SO. When I went out for lunch with the girls, I picked up the prescription AND yogurt. All we would need is for her to get a yeast infection on top of everything else. She has taken two doses so far and no adverse effects.

The rest of the day has been rather quiet. Michelle had invited me to join her and Jim at her Christmas party, but it was in Milwaukee and didn't start until after 8:00PM. A bit late for me to be driving around alone and too close to the bedtime. I am glad she thinks of me.

I will be a communion minister for the first time at St. John's on Sunday. I will feel a part of the congregation then.

The wedding day was fast approaching. Everything was ready,
> and nothing could dampen Jennifer's excitement, not even her parents'
> nasty divorce.
> Her mother Sheila finally found the PERFECT dress to wear
> and would be the best dressed mother of the bride EVER!
> A week later, Jennifer was horrified to learn her new young
> stepmother, Katie, had purchased the same dress. She asked Katie to
> exchange the dress, but Katie refused, "Absolutely not! I'm going to
> wear this dress; I'll look like a million in it!"
> Jennifer told her mother, who graciously replied, "Never
> mind dear. I'll get another dress, after all it's YOUR special day, not
> hers."
> Two weeks later, another dress was finally found. When they
> stopped for lunch, Jennifer asked her mother, "What are you going to
> do with the first dress? Maybe you should return it. You don't have
> any place to wear it."
> Sheila grinned and replied, "Of course, I do, dear! I'm
> wearing it to the rehearsal dinner!"



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