Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Today was the only day this week that I was able to stay home ALL day and was it great. A lady, Sally Isely from Nicolet Welcome Service came by this morning to bring us welcome to the community gifts - similar to Welcome Wagon. We got lots of nice things, including a few meals, a fee gallon of milke and even a bible from St. John's Lutheran Church.

Then this afternoon, I went out back, because it was SO beautiful, and I cleaned the path between the house and the park out a bit. I also pulled weeds from the area that is in back of the house with a fire pit and two benches. It was pretty overgrown and I figured if I got some of it now, it would be easier in the spring and we could really use it.

I also finished two of the sweatshirts for the Celtic Women. I hope to finish the other two before Friday so I can take them with me on Friday when I go to meet Sheila in Saukville.

I got the Sheboygan Falls News today. On the cover was a story about the Falls Senior Center Halloween. I read it because I know so many people that go there, including Mother. Mother was quoted. It said

Mary Deeley had on a T-shirt with an odd-looking goat.

'This is a Puca!' Deeley said. 'A puca is and Irish ghost. They are mischievious and have the ability to become anything they want to be whatever the situation."

So I called Mother to tell her that she is a celebrity. She was pleased. She had a busy day today. She went to the beauty parlor and then shopping at Evans. Ken took her. Usually Donna does, but Donna had to go to Milwaukee because Jessica twisted her ankle and they had to get it checked. It looks like it is just a sprain but Jessie is pretty disgusted and if it is anything like mine it will take forever to heal.

That's all Folks.

I am tired and can go to bed soon.


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