Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am posting a bit early today because I am going downstairs to watch a Mary Higgins Clark movie that will be on from 7 to 9 and I want to go to bed as soon as it is over.

It was a busy day. We had an appointment with Dr. Hodous to get Dick' s feet looked at then we went to Saukville to NPS to get Dick fitted for insoles for his shoes to help keep the callouses from building up.

I was barely home from my walk this morning when the phone rang. It was Michelle. I had seen them leave when Chelsea and I got back from our walk so I was surprised to get this call. They had had an accident on Bluebird Lane. A deer "attacked" them. Apparantly they were heading for 57. Michelle got a glimpse of this dope running along side them. Then it veered towards the car and smashed the passenger side doors, the rear view mirror and the window shattered all over both of them.

Thank the Lord. Neither of them were hurt. They came home and switched cars and headed back to Milwaukee. The car is at Joe Van Horn for repair and they are home safe and sound. They had just payed off the car. Now Michelle is thinking that with new doors and all it will be like having a new car all over again. We might as well look at the good in things.

Here is a little story that appeared in Reader's Digest this month.

Taped to my friend's refrigerator was a "job sheet: for her kits.

"They have to complete all these chores before I hand out theie allowances," she explained.

Does it owrk?! I asked.

"Like a charm. I haven't paid in weeks."

Have a great Friday.


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