Saturday, November 11, 2006

"Debra Johnson said that she likes shopping at the Dollar Palace because it is convenient and casual.
'I don't have to get all dressed up like I'm going to WalMart or something.' "

A redneck statement I received in an e-mail to day. Thought I would share because it was so funny.

When Chelsea and I went out for our walk this morning there was (and still is ) snow on the ground but the roads were plowed and not at all slippery. She liked rolling in the snow but I turned her back at the junction of Tall Grass and Highland because the sidewalk going around Lion's Park was not plowed AND I did not particularly want to walk through the snow in the park at the other end.

I met Ann Pirrung and Rosemary Eigenberger at the Parkview Restuarant in Falls before we went over to the library to listen to a talk by Jerry Aps, a historian who has written LOTS of books about rural Wisconsin and Wisconsin in general. He gives a great talk. I enjoyed it immensely. He is a friend of Irene Luedtke a published member of the Writer's Club. She came to hear him too. He spoke of the farm days in the late depression and WWII days which was very interesting to me as I had childhood memories of the latter.

Then I went to Mother's and had lunch with her and Jeff before Jeff and I went out to CountyF to check out our spots. Do you believe that next Saturday is opening day for deer hunting? Already!!! It was a lovely day to be out in the woods. We repaired his stand, mine and Shane's. Got out at about 4:30, a bit later than we planned and we had started in at 1:30 so we put in some time. It was still light when we got out so it was OK.

Somebody was supposed to be looking at the Hunter's Glen property today. We had someone on Wednesday too. The realtor that showed on Wednesday had not reported to ReMax as of yesterday. Hopefully one of the two will be interested. We keep praying and making sure that all looks good. On Tuesday we went over and I pulled out all the dead Marigolds from the front planter. Don't think I upturned St. Joseph. I will have to double check the next time we go.

All that fresh air is good for me.

Tomorrow I start officially as a member of St. John the Baptist here in Plymouth. I told Dick that none of the parishioners will even know unless I happen to run into someone that I do know. I have several acquaintances in the parish. I will have to call Lorraine Schaap and sign off of that prayer chain and get on the one at St. John's.

Guess that's all for now. Have a nice Sunday. It is supposed to warm up a bit in the next couple of days.



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