Sunday, August 06, 2006

It seems like it was a very long day. Chelsea and I had a good walk before the rain. It rained from about 7:00 to 11:00AM. A nice steady rain and it brought the temperature down a bit for today.

I went to the 8AM Mass and then visited with Mother until it was time for her to go to Mass. I stayed long enough to walk her over as it was still raining lightly and I don't think it is wise for her to walk alone if it is wet. Someone always walks her home. People are so good and there are three or four of our friends who note that she is there and see that she gets home safely.

I only packed a part of one box today. But I also got one item sent into the Press for the Celtic Faire. I must e-mail Ann Pirrung to find out the name of her editor. Perhaps I could send an article for the beliefs section to him to present to the beliefs editor. I can try anyway. I need to do an article for the Falls News and the Plymouth Review also.

This week is a very busy one with bible study, Rhine meeting, working at Rhine, a quilt appraisal and a ball game. Nora and Leif will be in Wisconsin, the reason for the ball game, and it will be good to see them. Michelle and Jim are joining us at the game. Michelle will meet Nora and Leif and Eileen and Fred. I called Jeff and he will let me ride down to the stadium with him, Kathy and Sara. I am so relieved, I was not thrilled about driving alone.

It has been an exhausting day for some reason. Dick and I are watching Bluebeard, one of the Horror Movie collection that Dick gave me for Christmas. We watch them when nothing else is on worth watching and lately that has been a lot. John Carradine is in this one. It is quite good.

A W. H. Auden said. "We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don't know."

Have a good week.


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