Tuesday, August 08, 2006

It was a beautiful day all day today. I was actually a little chilly when Chelsea and I went out for our walk. I don't have a thermometer any more but the TV said it was in the low 60s. It got up to the mid 70s and stayed there. Chelsea was pretty enthusiastic about her walk, but did cut out one cul de sac. She just sits down, looks down the road and keeps on going past it.

Today I talked to two neighbors that I hadn't seen face to face since the sign went up. Mary, across the street, was looking kind of sad. We don't see each other too much because we are both so busy but have common interests in quilting and faith. She said that she and her husband will probably be thinking condo soon too. It is getting harder for Gary to keep up the lawns and all and she, like me, can't really do it all.

The videos of our house showed up on Bill Cain's web site. So - if you want to see it go to billcain.com. Look under "Our listings". Select single family and find 4409 Hunters Glen Drive. Nick did a good job of filming. We will entertain offers.

Dick saw the podiatrist today and had his callouses trimmed. They need some extra care for a bit and we will go back to be sure they are healing in three weeks. Then we went and did a wee bit of shopping and Dick took me out for lunch.

Tonight I went to Rhine Plymouth to work the "Traveling League", a trap league that shoots at several different clubs and several different yardage. It was fairly busy. They stuck me in the gun room with little instruction but I finally figured it out. I worked from 4:30 to 8:00. It was Dennis Behr 's birthday and he and Sara brought cheese, sausage and crackers for a treat. That plus the yogurt I brought made a good evening meal.

I am working on articles for the paper regarding Celtic Faire and have come up with the season the Irish celebrate of Lughasadh, beginning August 1st and ending November 1st with Samhain. Lughasadh is the harvest time. John O'Donohue in Eternal Echos speaks of an Irish Notion called "Meitheal": the act of a community gathering to do the work for each other that one person working alone could not do in ages. Very reminisent of our barnraisings or co-ops that our country had in it's early days. We still experience Meitheal in small ways such as the example of Habitat for Humanity building houses on the quick with large volunteer crews. I want to incorporate Meitheal into my article and also Lughsadh - the harvest.



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