Monday, August 07, 2006

It was kind of warm but not heat stroke hot today. Chelsea and I had a nice walk. We did not really see many other walkers but I did not get started until about quarter after six so most people were already done. I did see Steve turning into his driveway.

Bible Study went well this morning. We had nine people there so it was a lively discussion. Then I reviewed the initial worship folder for Celtic Fair with Sandy. I shrunk three Celtic Letters from my Celtic Coloring Book to put on the cover. Jim Wilsing and I came up with a really neat idea for it this year. (Jim is jealous of my coloring book so I said I would look for one for him when I go to Irishfest.) We are going to use the capital letters that I shrunk (B T AND P) for the first letters of Blessed Trinity Parish with a nice medieval looking font. I chose goldenrod for the cover because the intro I wrote mentions Harvest and gold is a good harvest color.

We had Swedish Meatballs, noodles, fresh green beans from Mom's garden for supper. I am working on cleaning out the freezer and the meatballs are one of the treasures to be finished off.

Bobbie and I had the Rhine Plymouth meeting tonight. It was mentioned AGAIN that all the officers are up for replacement this December. Bobbie and I (at least) will not keep our positions. Three years is enough. It is time for another member to step forward. I will be helping Doc out tomorrow at a shoot that we are hosting.

Bernice Sipiorski, an old neighbor, died on Sunday. Her funeral is tomorrow. I believe that Dick and I, with any luck at all, can get his doctor's appointment done and I can get there for the Mass. It would be nice. She was a sweet woman and I used to babysit for her boys when I was young. Her son, Donald, is deceased but Dennis will be there and it would be good to see him again. I wonder if he even remembers me. That was a cushy babysitting job. Bernice and her husband, Martin, would go downtown to the tavern every Saturday evening from 9 to 1. I came over and sat with the boys, who were usually in bed asleep. Bernice would have a fit if I did the dishes or any other little things that I saw. I did them anyway (Mom taught me better than that.) And I could watch anything I wanted on TV and then go to bed til they came home and Martin walked me home across the vacant lot between our homes. Like I say a cushy job.

Say a little prayer for Bernice.



P. S. I packed two boxes and sorted through ALL the medicines and first aid supplies today.

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