Saturday, July 08, 2006

What a day. It was HOT. 88 or more I guess. I am watering the front yard this evening. I have to remember to turn it off. We got to stay home today EXCEPT for a drive to Walgreen's to pick up prescriptions for Dick and Mother.

Chelsea and I went for our usual walk at 6AM. I started the soaker hose in the herb garden and watered the plants on the pole. We mixed the White Zinfindal this afternoon.

I called Bart tonight. He and Barb are doing fine, but the heat is really hard on them and Barb is being really stressed at work because the other two people in her department are out for surgery and they have provided her with NO help at all. He parents are doing better. Her Mom finally got some surgery she needed so will be able to better take care of herself and Don.

Sad news though, Bart and Barb's dog, Beauty died. She was almost 16 years old but that makes it even harder. Their other dog, Sheva is really depressed. I remember how depressed Waylon got when we had the cats put down. He cried, literally. It is so hard to lose a pet, but perhaps that is one of the reasons we are on this earth. To take care of the creatures that would be lost without us.

We had colcannon for supper tonight along with pork tenderloin and cole slaw. Boy was it good. Michelle likes Colcannon. This was the first time she had ever had it. In case you don't know, Colcannon is mashed potatoes combined with cabbage and green onions softened in milk with butter liberally applied to all.

We will have apple pie when the kids get back from the Moose Lodge. Michelle is a member and wants to transfer to Sheboygan. She is thinking of using the lodge for their reception.

Have a nice Sunday.


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