Monday, July 03, 2006

Well, don't ask what happened to me the past two days. I can't even tell you why I didn't post. I think the days just got away from me.

Saturday we were really busy. Dick and Jim and Michelle and I went out for breakfast and then drove to the Ponds (a Sheboygan Falls Condo area) to just see what they look like. We couldn't get in, of course but did find that there are some that are one story, four in a building that might work. However, today, I think I found them on the MLS and they are more than we can spend so that will eliminate them right off the bat. We also drove to Howards Grove and looked at two new units in one building. They are not of the quality of the condos at Tallgrass, so we have eliminated them too. Then Dick and I went to an open house at Tallgrass in the afternoon, but it was not a floor plan or position in the tract that we liked. Anyway, today, (Monday) I called and left a message for Bill to call us. The four of us have decided that if a unit in the Tallgrass can be found that suits Dick and me, we will make and offer and Jim and Michelle will offer on the one they liked.

Saturday night we had quite a storm. Thunder and wind and rain. To top it off, kids are shooting off fireworks and poor Chelsea is a real basket case. We have to force her out to relieve herself and then she is a trembling little bundle.

Sunday night we did not have the storm, but the fireworks were worse. So far tonight, it is pretty quiet on all counts. But we are under a thunderstorm watch for the next couple of hours.

We had enchaladas and tostadas last night. Pretty good. Tonight I fixed leftover vegetable stuffing with Chicken Italian Sausages and fresh leaf lettuce for a salad.

George and Betsy are in the state. They spent the weekend with Shawn and Sara in Chicago and will go back there later in the week. Today, they chose a headstone for Courtney and picked me up so we could go to the Humane Society to see Courtney's window. It is wonderful. One of the big ones on a cage that holds two cats. I was able to put a picture on the blog. George and Betsy were very pleased. I had trouble leaving a big old kitty who kept bumping his head on the glass to ask for some lovin". But two kitties is more than enough. I always was so glad to be able to tell Courtney that when we got pets, we always rescued them from the shelter.

Tomorrow, the Deeley's will congregate at Randy and Donna's for a pot luck fry. I made Calico Beans to take along. I used chorizo instead of hamburger and they are REALLY tasty.

All else is well. Aunt Kathleen called this afternoon, her daughter Christine and her husband Ron, who is a winemaker also, were there and I wanted to share a bottle of Marigold with him. That is our really nice signature scratch wine. They all liked it. Ron gave me a bottle of his daughter's commemorative wedding Chardonnay. We are instructed to let it age for a year. We are very patient. As some of our wines are still trying to age up. Some never will. I also shared Dad's wine book the Wines of the Southwest which is a real little treasure.

Guess that's all. From Cadfael "Aim at making everybody happy, and if that's wighing reach, why stir up ay kind os unpleasantness?"


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