Friday, July 07, 2006

Apparantly today is considered the birthday of the bikini. The bikini was quite a scandle when it first came out. By today's standards the original was quite modest. The scandel of it then was the fact that the belly button was exposed for all the world to see.

I remember coming home for a visit (I lived in California at the time) and bringing a two piece bathing suit. It was not even considered a bikini in those days, but Mother was quite embarressed that I would wear it on the sands of Lake Michigan.

I started thinking of the changes over the years and remembered Grandma Bowser. She was a very outspoken person. Back about 40 years ago, pregnant women started wearing shorts during hot weather. Grandma said that she could not help thinking, when she saw them, of an orange with toothpicks stuck in it. I could never wear shorts while I was pregnant because that image STUCK in my mind. I think I mentioned to you that Grandma Marie (Matie) Bowser was a lady and my image and picture of a lady was the way she behaved and expected us to behave.

I gave blood today. It was even more easy than the first time, because I don't seem to be bruising this time. Of course, I didn't get a t shirt. They only do that for the first time. I went right from there to Plymouth for lunch with the girls, and ran into Kathy Fields, the director of our bell choir at Blessed Trinity. She had a knee replacement and spent a couple of weeks at Progressive Health Care a nursing home, that sounds like a hell hole. Finally, a friend of hers just plain got her out of there. She has a long way to go but is planning on directing the bell choir in September, even if she has to do it from a chair. So she is fighting.

We had a cheesy tuna casserole with a salad and peaches on a merengue shell for supper. Quite good.

I am very tired tonight. Perhaps giving blood does that.

Til tomorrow



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