Friday, July 21, 2006

Today was the last day that Rhine is responsible for feeding the pheasants at Maywood. Greg Reich did not have to work today so he came out to help me, thank heavens. There were some pretty heavy losses in some of the pens this week so the birds have been getting a special antibiotic in their water. Also they are eating more, so the big feeder boxes by each pen needed to be topped off. Between Greg and I we finished everything in about an hour and a half. We had 14 dead birds. The four that managed to get into the flight pen in pen three are doing just fine. Greg put a container of food and water out there for them and I think they are bigger and healthier than the others.

I went through some of the books to weed them out. We have a box ready to donate to the library. Tomorrow I will try to go through the one in our office and the one in the basement. I also want to go through and pack cds, dvds, cassetes and videos. Those are easy things to sort and pack. And we can do without them for the weeks that it takes to get resettled.

Chelsea is SO much better but is still a very tired little girl.

Don't have much more today. I think I am tired.



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