Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Chelsea is almost back to normal. We got up at a bit after 6:00AM and we went on our whole walk and except for sitting to rest a couple of times, she trucked right along. Her bowel movements are ALMOST back to normal. She is still pretty tired, but no longer looks distressed and is not begging to go out every hour.

Dick had his dentist appointment today. Went very well. We were out of there in less than an hour. Then we did a few more errands and were able to come home and stay home for the rest of the day.

BULLETIN!!!!!!!Talked to Tom Cain today and we are all okayed to bring all three animals to Tallgrass with us, so we are on our way. I left a message for Kaye, so tomorrow or the next day we will finish our application. Tom and Bill Cain will be coming over on the 27th to list the house and talk about auctioning the things that we do not want to take with us. Now the scramble begins.

We filtered the Marigold Wine today too.

We had quite a dinner tonight too. There were enough meatballs left and, as I said yesterday, we had the fresh green beans from our very own garden. Boy were they ever tender and good.

We finished getting my book all ready to take to Sun Graphics. Dick wrote a biography for me for the inside cover and edited it for me. Now, I just need to get a disc from Jim and copy the book to it to take with me. I am kind of excited.

You're not as young as you used to be and you're not as old as you're going to be. So watch it.
And Old Irish Proverb.


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