Sunday, July 16, 2006

A rather quiet day. I went to the 8AM mass this morning, and Chelsea and I walked early so we missed being out in the worst of the heat. Today, it got up to 95 degrees on our calenday. Yesterday, the paper said that we reached 101. Seems impossible.

I watered early and will do so tomorrow also. Must get the pots on the deck and on the pole out front. I also need to trim the bushes before we list the property. I fully believe that Jim and Michelle will have their accepted offer tomorrow, then we can move full throttle.

I spent the rest of the day clearing my desk again. I sketched out two articles for the church newsletter and gathered things to take to Bible Study to share with Lynn and Sandy. Must remember to ask them if they still have boxes.

Dick and I measured bedrooms tonight and (if the measurements given on the flyer are accurate) we should be able to fit things in. The difficulty is that there is much more wall taken up with doors and windows, especially in our room. Every wall in the master over there has closets or entry doors or windows which means that much of our current furniture would overlap something. A puzzle. We will have to work it out and we will.

I have the draft of my book all done and out for Dick to review. I asked him to write a short biography of me too.

Guss that's all for now.



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