Sunday, July 30, 2006

Sunday, Sunday. It was much cooler that they predicted but very humid. I understand that the heat tomorrow will more than make up for today. I am still having trouble sleeping. I wake up every morning at about 4AM and cannot get back to sleep. I managed to stay in bed and listen to the music that was on for about an hour, then got stiff and just got up. Chelsea is not doing too well in this humidity. She is cutting back her walk and sometimes just sits down to rest for a bit.

I went to the eight o'clock mass and had a nice visit with Mother. We got to talking about my brother Tim and his friend Gene Drossel. They were thick as thieves as kids. One time Mom and Dad and the Drossels got called to school. There was a party at school and the kids were allowed to bring a snack and something to drink. Tim, Gene and a couple of other boys decided to bring cokes, however, they got the idea to spice them up a bit with some whiskey from one of the Dad's cupboard. Somebody squealed and they got caught. Mother said that now days that would have been all over the papers. At that time, the parents were called and THEY handled it. Tim and Gene grew up JUST fine.

I got home somewhere around 10:30AM and fixed a brunch for Dick, Michelle, Jim and myself. Jim and Michelle went back to West Allis shortly after we ate.

Than, except for an hour for a nap, I worked on getting final touches on the house for the big video taking tomorrow for the house listing. Supper was easy, we had a couple of Jeff's bratwurst and some potato salad left, so we ate that at about six.

Tomorrow, I have Bible Study and a Rhine Plymouth Board meeting. I will also be taking my edited book to Sun Graphics to leave for inal publication.

Today is Nora Schwarten, our granddaughter's birthday. She is eighteen now. It hardly seems possible. We have not seen her now for several years and she never seems to be available when we call. It is sad not to be close to her any more. She is a lovely little thing and seems to be doing well from what Leslie, her mother, says. I think of her often and we have such lovely memories.



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