Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Went out to shoot the morning league today. Not so successful as last week. The first round was not too bad. I shot a 15 but the second, I could not get down. As Doc said, I was not concentrating. I didn't follow through and was behind on a lot of shots. Anyway I only got an 11 on that. Well, next week will come and I will try again.
It was beautiful anyway. The scattered showers they predicted did not come and the sun was shining while I was shooting.

I finished the hand sewing on the Celtic Banner. Now comes the challenge of assembling, layering and quilting. I like it but the big Hand of God definately has to be outlined in a dark brown machine applique to give it character. I am going to give Him a sleeve too. It has been fun. If it is liked, I may make a companion piece - a High Cross - for next year.

There is an Irish thought that as you can have too much spirits in the pub, you can also have too much religion in the church. I don't know why that seemed important to me tonight but for some reason - balance and reason itself are on my mind these days. There is all this talk about making an amendment banning gay marriage. I find this difficult. On one hand, marriage, by it's definition means the union of man an woman to start a family. On the other hand there is a percentage of our population who are homosexual and still deserve the right to pledge to each other and - yes- to come together as a family. What is family but a place where one is loved, cared for and accepted. Tis a puzzle and until my questions are answered, I believe that an Amendment would be wrong.



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