Saturday, May 06, 2006

It was a perfectly lovely day.

I DID have to get up at 3:30 again. I met Kenny out at the field at 4:30AM and we walked in. Jeff arrived sometime later. It was colder than on Friday, but with clear skies and a nice warm sun, it did not seem so. Another day of hens tromping around and feeding on the alfalfa until about 9:15 when I heard a shot from Ken's direction.
I waited a few minutes and then called him on the walkie talkie. I said "Did you get it?" He said " I sure did." We folded up at about 10:30AM. The only bird that got close to me all morning was a hen that almost joined me behind my blind. AND I wanted to be sure to get home to get a nap so I could be ALIVE for the rest of the day.

Anyway, I packed up and walked to Kenny's stand. He was folding up when I got there and had a nice 20 to 22 pound Tom lying there. Between us, we loaded his stuff and mind and walked to the cars with only two stops to let him rest a bit. (Dead weight turkeys are HARD to carry.) Then Ken and I waited for Jeff who had been unable to communicate with us on the walkie talkies and took a bit longer because he walked over to OUR sites from his own before making his way to the cars.

I got home at noon and with a shower and one errand managed to get down for a nice nap at about 1:30. I slept for about an hour so was rested for the evening.

Tomorrow is Dick's birthday. He will be 76. Dick and Brenda, Bobbie and Bill and Jim and Michelle took us to Rupps on 8th Street in Sheboygan for dinner. Such a lovely evening. The food was good, even though the waitress tried to burn Michelle, ( a way to hot plate) and some of the potatoes came in time for dessert. Good company is what makes the meal and we had plenty of that.

Then we came back here to enjoy a bit of the Baileys and a cup of de caf before calling it a night.

For some reason, I remembered the incident where my dear departed mother-in-law, Lily, served marguaritas to her sister,Ruth, and some of the ladies her sister worked with at the school lunch program.

Lil made a round or two of marguaritas and then ran out of tequila - SO - to "fill in" she took some 150 proof alchohol that Victor, my father-in-law had gotten in Mexico and used that in place of the tequila. Needless to say these ladies got bombed out of their minds. So Lily piled them in her jeep which did not have a top and drove them around Costa Mesa for a while to sober them up. We asked her later why she wasn't drunk too and she said that she had more sense than to drink that stuff.

Happy Sunday


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