Friday, May 05, 2006

We spent a bit less time out in the fields today. Just Randy and myself. I went to the same spot that I was at on Thursday, Randy went over where Jeff saw the big one. We sat and watched for four hours. Then Randy said he was getting restless and my feet were cold so we left at about 9:00.

Jeff called tonight. He got there at about 10 and stayed until about 1:00. He used Ken's tent and said that he saw a huge Tom up by my spot and near Randy's Thursday spot just a'dancing and preening and prancing. It was too far away for him and he could not get it to come with his calls. Ya just never know. If I could have held out, just MAYBE I would have my big Tom.

Tomorrow, Jeff, Ken and I are going out for one more try. I am not going quite as far in. I am going just above the creek in the planted field. I chased one out of a roost this morning there and just hope that he will be back.

I was really tired and took a nice nap this afternoon. Dick and I had leftovers for supper, so I was able to relax today. Good thing because tomorrow I will hunt in the morning and then the kids are taking Dick (and me) out for his birthday dinner. We are going to Rupps Downtown. Should be nice, I haven't been there in quite some time but they have always had good food.

Haven't seen Dick and Brenda since Christmas. It will be great to be with them again.

Have a nice weekend. All my love


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