Sunday, April 30, 2006

It has rained gently all day today. A welcome rain that is soaking into the ground and will result in rampant green as soon as it stops and the sun sends a little warmth upon this earth of ours.

However, it has left me rather tired and feeling sludgy (is that a word). I am minded of a turtle who kind or plods along just slowly looking left to right and not being feeling any urgency no matter the flurry and hurry around him. Bobbie and I went out to work at the Rhine Club today but we were able to come home early because of the rain and the fact that the only people hanging around were a few members playing cards. They can get their own beer and lock up as easy as we could have. SO we were home about 2:00 and I took a nap for all the good that did.

We pretty much finished up the chili and ate the last of the rhubarb pie for supper. An easy day altogether. Nice on such an overcast day.

Stopped to see Mom after Mass this morning. We had a nice visit, as usual. We were discussing how Courtney seemed to be drawn to the neediest of God's creatures, both animal and human and how much this was like her Grandfather.

Mother remembers Dad, when he was the president of the union at Gilson Industries in Plymouth. These union members would come to talk to Dad about their problems. Mom said that sometimes their problems were so silly or so self imposed or so stupid. But Dad would listen to them. He would patiently sit as they went through their problems and he would advise them or help them as best he could. I have NEVER met a person that knew Dad as the President of that Union who did not consider Dad his "best friend." They adored him and it was because of his ability to make the person talking to him feel that what he was presenting to Dad was important and that Dad felt that he was important. I tried to remember that lesson when I was a mortgage banker and sometimes the people who came to me to buy their first home were really kind of pitiful. I think because of Dad's gift, I was able to help many people get homes that might not otherwise been able to do so.

Have a lovely week



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