Thursday, May 04, 2006

Well, the first of my three turkey hunting days is over. I got up at 3:30AM to meet the guys out at the field. BOY AM I TIRED.

All we saw were a bunch of hens. And there were a bunch of them. Actually, Jeff saw and got a shot off at a tom early in the morning, but he missed. This is the first year he has ever gone turkey hunting, so that was a real thrill for him.

After I got home, I took a shower and then Dick and I went grocery shopping. It really was our only chance and we were running short of milk and a few other things.

Tomorrow, I have to get up at 3:30AM again to meet Randy out there. We will try again.

Went to choir tonight too, thank heavens, we had a short practice.

Anyway, I am too tired to be very creative tonight. So I will just say. Have a nice Friday and perhaps I will be more awake tomorrow night.



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