Tuesday, May 02, 2006

It was in the mid 60s today. Very good for the lawn after the wonderful rain. It really will go crazy when we get more sun. I actually had to cut the morning walk short because it was still raining a bit.

Went to see Dr. Casey today and my arm is getting better. I will go back in three weeks instead of the two that we have been stuck at since the darn thing started hurting. I can tell it is better because my pistol shooting in staying pretty steady and getting better overall.

Today was Market Day too. Those were my only two outings. As long as I was out I went to the post office to mail a quilting pattern to Barbara and an entry in a poetry contest and to the bank. With the gas prices at the highs they are it is best to consolidate errands as much as one can.

The rest of the day was spent gathering things for tomorrow's trip to Milwaukee. I am going to take the camera. I hope that we can take pictures of the items in the Vatican exhibit. We are spending the whole day at the museum. First the exhibit, then lunch, then the IMAX theatre and then the rest of the museum. I assume that the museum has good lunches.

I also got everything together for my Turkey hunting on Thursday. Do you believe that we meet at 4:20AM? Uncle Kenny says we need to be in place before 5:00 as we can start shooting (If we see something of course) at 5:10. However, it is pretty difficult to tell if it is a Jake or Tom that early as it is still rather dusky.

I received word the other day that the two poems that I sent to the Wisconsin Poet's Calendar were not selected so I will share them with you. I still like them and will include them in the book that I am thinking of self publishing this summer.

Laughing Spring

If all the trees could laugh and sing
And all the clouds could dance
And rabbits all grew furry wings
And squirrels wore underpants.

If dogs meowed and kitties barked
And birds crawled on their bellies
Then all the tales that nature sparked
Would not be worth the telling.

I got a message from Jim's Michelle who is all the way in Richmond VA on a business trip. She told Jim tonight that she got the President's Award for innovation tonight. Quite an honor.



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