Saturday, February 25, 2006

Such a pleasant Wild Game Dinner and Beer Tasting Contest. Number 28 is behind us. Becky, Randy's oldest daughter, won the beer tasting contest. The Aunts and Uncles who participate are really becoming nervious. This is the third year IN A ROW that that generation has wiped them out. Has their time passed? Their day in the sun sunk below the horizon? They are vowing to come back next year. We will see.

Almost all the attendees participated in the contest, which left me and Stacy, Todd's wife, to do all the pouring etc. Dick helped us do the scoring.

The food, as always, was delicious, we had my stew, Mom's rabbit, Donna's pheasant and rice, Kathy's Brunswick soup and lots of great side dishes, including beans, 7 layer salad and, of course, Eileen's potato casserole.

A nice day. I am so glad that Becky won. She has beent rying for five years now and (my own selfish reason) SHE AND BRIAN DON'T ALLOW SMOKING IN THEIR HOUSE EITHER.

I saw in the news the other day that Queen Mary II sailed by Queen Mary I, which is permanently docked in the Long Beach Harbor and is a hotel and tourist attraction. Did I ever tell you that I spent a night on the Queen Mary I as part of a seminar. I stayed in one of the cabins and we had our meetings in various halls around the ship. I remember eating at a restaurant down the road from the ship and drinking the very best coffee that I have ever tasted. Don't have any idea what it was but that memory lingers on.



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