Sunday, February 19, 2006

It was much warmer today. It got all the way up to 12 degrees above zero. Do you hear the sarcasm? It started out at -1 so we were rather pleased with the 12 and sun.

I had to work at Rhine this afternoon. We did not send many squads out, but the time went fast. There was quite a bit of activity for the few people that shot. There were several that went down to shoot pistol, including Jim and me. Not too bad. The middle one was not good but at least this week I got all ten on all three targets. There was food left from our hosting of the Sheboygan County Conservation Association on Wednesday last week. So we served hot tamales, chips, cheese and crackers free to anyone who wanted it. I didn't do much but snack on cheese and crackers because Dick took Jim and I out for dinner tonight. We went to El Camino on Michigan.

I need to gather up the information that I have on the Uelman, my Grandma Matie Bowser, family. I told you someone called Aaron Laatsch called me. He is my Great Granfather Peter Uelman's brother John's great great grandson. One very interesting comment on my great grandfather. He was working in a lumber mill in Peshtigo and survived the big fire.

Have a good week.


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