Tuesday, February 21, 2006

I have new glasses on order. I could tell that my left eye had changed quite a bit since last year. Dr. Cheryl said that they can correct to 20/20 so it is nothing to be concerned about as my eyes otherwise are very healthy. I was able to use a previous frame, so kept the cost down quite a bit.

I saw Dr. Casey, the chiropractor, this afternoon. I am having trouble with pain in my right shoulder. He adjusted my shoulder and back and gave me some exercises that should help strengthen the muscles around the rotator cup. I sure hope so because it HURTS.

Chelsea and I had a nice walk today. It was sunny and about 28 degrees with no wind to speak of. She acts like a young pup on those walks and then spends most of the rest of the day sleeping.

Tomorrow, there is a program for the Senior Saints at Blessed Trinity Church. I arranged it as I am supposed to be the Senior Saints Coordinator. We will join the St. Mary School kids for Mass at 1:00 and the Golden Chordaliers, a group of seniors that sing in four part harmony, will entertain us after we have refreshments. One never knows how much stuff to get. I ordered 6 dozen cookies (figuring that the singers might like some too). I expect there will be about 30 participants. About 15 have signed up. Hope it goes well. I have decided that perhaps I will put out a quarterly newsletter for the seniors. Or perhaps include a column in the Angelus, our parish newsletter. I really feel that my main function is to keep the seniors at Blessed Trinity apprised of information as to where to find help for physical, social and spritual needs. Everything is really in place but so many people are not aware of it.

a picture of something

The above is a picture of a gray crowned crane that I took at the International Crane Foundation in Baraboo. I loved his expression and thought it would brighten up your winter. I recommend the Crane Foundation to EVERYBODY. You can view it online at www.savingcranes.org.



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