Wednesday, February 22, 2006

The Senior Saints function was a great success. I anticipated that we would have maybe 30 people attending so was really pleased that we had over 40 of our seniors there. As I said, we joined the school kids for Mass, then enjoyed some cookies, punch and coffee and then the Golden Chordaliers sang for us. It was a wonderful concert. Some of the attendees said that hey miss Sr. Marcia's programs, so I will have to be sure to do something at least every two months or so. Time to start thinking of the next one.

I had a nice visit with Mother too. She fed me lunch after I set things up at Church. I showed her the pictures that Andrew, Brit's friend, sent to me. One of them, the one of Mother and all of her children, fit perfectly in a ceramic Irish frame that the Thomas's (old friends of the family) gave to Mother at her birthday party. I also picked up the venison roast that we had left in her freezer for the wild game dinner, which is Saturday. Friday I will make the stew for the dinner. It only took me 64 years, but I finally have a good stew recipe. I am willing to share if you are interested.

Mother also gave me a copy of an typed pledge sheet dated Oce. 19, 1895. It listes lots of people that pledged money for the purpose of building the original St. Mary's Church in Sheboygan Falls. My Grandpa Deeley, Dad's father, pledged $100.00 which must have been a fortune to him, a foreman in the Woolen Mill. We were commenting that most of the names on that list are no longer an entity in Sheboygan Falls, but many of them were pillars of the community. Some of the names are totally unknown to me.

I don't know how many of you I sent this on to in e-mail, but it is worth repeating. I got it from a friend and really got a kick out of it.


We all know that it is a sin for an Islamic male to
see any woman other than his wife naked, and that he
must commit suicide if he does.

So next Sunday at 4:00 PM Eastern time, all American
women are asked to walk out of their house completely
naked to help weed out any neighborhood terrorists.

Circling your block for one hour is recommended for
this antiterrorist effort. All men are to position
themselves in lawn chairs in front of their house to
prove they are not terr orists, and to demonstrate that
they think it's okay to see nude women other than
their wife and to show support for all American women.

And since the Koran also does not approve of alcohol,
a cold six-pack at your side is further proof of your
anti -terrorist sentiment.

The American Government appreciates your efforts to
root out terrorists and applauds your participation in
this anti -terrorist activity.
God bless America


Bye Bye


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