Monday, January 09, 2006

Today was a very nice Monday.

Started off with the very first Bible Study of the year. As we are studying the scriptures of the upcoming Sunday, it does become quite timely. Sunday is about answering the call of Jesus. We also reviewed a few things. I realized that a couple of our members are not too familiar with the order of the books of the bible so just before we left I reviewed things a bit.

There are two books - the Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament is as follows: the four Gospels - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John (in that order. When I was young, I learned this little poem which always helped me remember. "Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, went to bed with their britches on." The word britches always makes things easy for a kid to remember.) After the Gospels comes the Acts of the Apostles. Next are the letters or epistles (one of our members did not know that letters and epistles were the same thing.) and last but not least is the Book of Revelation.

Anyway, sometimes we assume that people know things that we do. Not everybody has been exposed to the same things.

Today, the travel channel featured a parasail adventure. It reminded me of the time I went up on a parasail behind a jeep out on the desert. There are no words to describe the peace and beauty of such a ride. I did attempt it in a poem. Did I ever publish that on this site? If I didn't and you would like to read it let me know.

Went to Writers Club this afternoon. I read and sang the song lyrics that I wrote for Celtic Faire. They liked them and Ann Pirrung said that she figures she does not have to go to church for a while.

We did a fun little exercize of a type of poem called a Cin Quain.

Here is my little poem

Chubby - Happy
Yipping - Jumping - Licking
Goffy little ball of slobber

Be Happy today


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