Thursday, November 24, 2005

This has been a very eventful day.

First, I got up at 4:45AM. It was 10degrees and the wind was blowing but I headed off to the Kettles to meet Jeff, Shane, Roxie and Jason Karls for the last attempt at getting a deer. We got to our stands at about 6:45AM. Again, I didn't see a thing. At about 8:30 I saw Jeff come over to Shane's stand and then Shane worked his way around the swamp on his way over to Roxie, trying to stir something up as he worked his way over there. About then, I heard people walking and Randy and Jessica came over the hill. They were moving around a bit too, from spot to spot, the stands on the west side of the hill were much more cold than those on our east side. I was cold but surprisingly not really freezing. The wind never really blew my way and sometimes the sun was beating on me. I decided as Randy and Jessie left to go to the nice spot that I had found in a stand of pine on the way back. I started up the hill, my left foot slipped on the leaves and I went down with my ankle under my body. Fortunately, I did not break it but "man alive" did it hurt. I crawled up the hill and made my way along the ridge and over to where Jeff was sitting. I told him what had happened. He asked if I needed help out, but I figured that I was able to walk and would just go slow and steady and then head home. I was wearing my good stiff hunting boots which kept my ankle fairly steady.

When I got out to the road, Jason was waiting in his truck for the others. (The rule is that you wait till everybody is out before you leave. However, I had told Jeff that I was not waiting but would go home to put ice on the ankle. He said that was a good idea and if my truck was still there when he came out they would know that a rescue was in order.) I told Jason what was up. He suggested that I go back to my stand, take off my boot and roll up my pants to chill the ankle.

I have a lump the size of an oversized golf ball on my ankle and it is funny color. Jim eventually drove me to Emergency. They did take Xrays to be sure but it is only a sprain. Hurts just as much or more, but will heal faster.

We went over to Bobbie and Bill's for a fantastic meal. Turkey, stuffing, squash, succatash, cranberry relishes, mashed potatoes and gravy and pumpkin and hickory nut pies. Everything was SO good and I was SO hungry.

I guess that is enough for tonight. Tomorrow I will be helping butcher deer.

Hope your Thanksgiving was warm and fuzzy.



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