Monday, October 10, 2005

It was a busy Monday. I started off with a nice walk with Chelsea as soon as it was light. She actually got me up at about 5:45AM but it was too dark to walk so I took my shower first.

Then Dick went to the dentist. He now has fresh clean teeth and no cavities. I went to Bible Study. We are almost dine with Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians. He is still explaining why he is an apostle and why he worked for his keep along with his preaching and all. We branched off into talking about mystics and angels and special gifts from the spirit. I believe in the them. In Paul's age, there seemed to be more of them. I wonder if maybe there are the same amount now but then they were not branded as crazy and also perhaps a lot of those who claimed to be mystics or to see visions or angels THEN were faking.

Lately, the Catholic church is downplaying angels. There was an article in the Catholic Herald that said that the world seems to glom on to the ideas that we throw out. We aren't much interested in angels anymore, but the general public is hopping on to angel belief.

The devastation in Pakistan if awful. So many thousands killed and homeless. I was remembering reading somewhere years ago that it is hard for human beings to get really emotionally involved when thousands and thousands of people are a part of a disaster. If we are focused on one person in a disasterous situation we often get a much bigger outcry from the public. Probably because we can empathize with one but masses of people become numbers and rather unreal.

This afternoon I went to Writer's Club. We had an unusual amount of business. This was my first meeting since I won the Aestival Festival Poetry Contest, so I brought my trophy and certificate. I read a story that I wrote and got some really good feedback. I will do a few revisions and then send it to the contest that I wrote it for.

There was frost on the ground both yesterday and this morning. I got hold of Becky and will pick wild grapes tomorrow. I will have to freeze them for later as ALL of my gallon jugs are being used right now and I only want to make one or two gallons.

If the San Diego Chargers win their game tonight, I will be in second place this week in the Fantasy Footbal League. That would move me up a bit in the overall standings too. Still not in the money but getting close. Go Chargers.

A most important tip....

LADIES- Don't throw out all that leftover wine. Freeze into ice
cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces.

REAL WOMEN- Leftover wine??

Have a nice Tuesday.


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