Saturday, August 13, 2005

I went to Mass this evening because tomorrow, Mother and I are going to The Gathering of the Clans at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Parnell. I have prepared a poster board with pictures of the Bowsers and Uelman's and the history that my cousin, David Bowser prepared on Michael Bowser and Joseph Bowser, my Great Great and Great Grandfathers. It starts at 12:00 and goes until 5:00. It is being sponsored by the O Reilly, Slattery and Michaels families, so Kenny and Dolores will be there because Ken's mother was an O Reilly. Mother is so looking forward to it. She will see people that she remembers and have lots of memories for people that are desendants of others that she grew up with in the Mitchell area.

I am bringing a couple notices of the Celtic Faire too. Seems like a good place to advertize.

.....Good Housekeeping Tip: Always keep several get well cards on the mantel.....
so if unexpected guests arrive, they will think you've
been sick and unable to clean.

Tell you more about it tomorrow. Next weekend is Irishfest. Yippee.


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