Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Dilbert is funny today. I do not usually find Dilbert exceptionally amusing but today he outdid himself. The boss tells Dilbert and his fellow employees.

"I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that the company is going to sponsor a corporate marathon team.

The bad news is that one of you has to run 26 miles tomorrow."

Sometimes life seems like that.

Today was HOT again. I'll bet you are sick of reading that in this blog. I would like to eliminate it but it keeps happening. We have another few days of 40% chance of rain again. We need much more than an eighth of an inch at a time though.

This morning we went grocery shopping. Jeff had given me a huge zucchini so when we got home I made chocolate zucchini bread and steamed the rest for a casserole for this evening's dinner.

This afternoon, I went to see Dr. Casey, my chiropractor. My knee has been hurting and he adjusted my foot which he thinks will help relieve the discomfort. Bodies sure are funny. Your foot affects your knee which affects your hip and that can do move up to to the back and the neck. My monthly adjustments seem to keep me relatively comfortable but stormy weather still makes my neck sore.

Tonight the "church ladies" got together and started doing the hand quilting on the big quilt for the raffle at Celtic Faire. I got most of one square done and will finish it on Monday. Actually, I was not really planning on doing any of the hand quilting as I did stitch down all the binding but it was fun to sit and quilt with the others. There were eight of us stitching and I know we got ten or more squares done. It was effortless because we enjoy the visiting as well as the sewing. We plan on hanging the quilt in church so people can see it. We DO have to get permission from Fr. Gene, but he is pretty good about things if one only asks.

Tomorrow is quilt guild.



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