Sunday, July 24, 2005

Today, the temperatures topped out at 97 - at least that is what Bobbie's car indicated as we were traveling back from Rhine Plymouth. We all practiced our pistol shooting. It was too hot for trap. I understand that tomorrow it will have dropped to the mid 80s so shooting trap league will be at least bearable. I hope I settle in a bit and do better than last week. I must remember - get the bead then lead the bird.

The brat patties and venison steaks were good. I have enough left that we can do leftovers for most of the week. Good thing. It will be warm enouth that one does not like to heat the house up.

I am going to start reading the Sr. Fidelma book Absolution by Murder by Peter Tremayne for an online book club with some of my Celtic Friends. The reviews indicate that Sr. Fiedlma is somewhat of a female Brother Cadfael. I find it interesting that a woman Ellis Peters writes about the male monk and a man, Peter Tremayne writes about the female nun. I am also reading the Historian. Wonder which I should take on our day trip to Lake Geneva on Tuesday.

Nora has a birthday at the end of the week. Hard to believe that she is 17. Whew - where does the time go.

Joan and I each sold $10 worth of tickets for the Celtic Quilt. Not bad for the first day when noone has even seen it except On Line and/or in pieces.

Have a nice week and stay cool.


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