Sunday, August 08, 2004

Strange weather today. The temperature got up to 77 but it was cloudy much of the day. It even sprinkled a bit when Chelsea and I were out walking.

Dick's sister Hazel and her daughter Suzi were our houseguests this weekend and we had all the kids that live around here over to dinner last night to see her. It was a lovely mini reunion. Of course, we did a lot of conjecturing as to where all the other cousins are. Dick and Hazel are the last of the Kunert siblings left. Hazel is an amazing 87 years old.

Just a quote from yesterday's Cadfael Book of Days.

"Every man's fortune, and every women's too, can be changed given a little thought, perserverance and cunning."

Great concept. And I have lived my life by that motto. If you don't like it - change it. It isn't always easy or immediate, but you can do it.



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