Saturday, March 14, 2015

A Grand Day

Another warm day with sunshine.  Soon the snow mountains will all be gone.   I saw and heard my first red winged blackbird this afternoon when Nicky and I were out walking.    He is just turning into an outdoor fiend.   I can't blame him for liking it out there.   All new smells and his feet don't get cold.

Bobbie and I went to the Kohler Demonstration Kitchen for their Irish Cooking Class.   Lots of fun.   We learned how to make Irish bacon from a loin cut.   We learned how to make corned beef hash from the last or just leftover corned beef, how to poach and hold eggs and how to make a Green Velvet Cake.  Actually Bobbie makes poached eggs.   I never have.

We, of course, got to taste everything plus two beers.   I tasted them and they were not bad.   Kind of sweet and one was also citrusy.  I forgot what they were, but that is OK.  I probably won't want them anyway.

Everything was good, except --- The chef demonstrator put balsamic vinegar in the hash and frankly, I did not care for it.  As long as the poached egg lasted, it was edible, but I couldn't finish it.  Bobbie and I decided that we just have a refined palate.

The choir sang at mass tonight,  I was lector too.  This has happened twice and is workable.  If I am communion minister, I change with somebody because I would miss some of the singing, but lectoring and singing don't happen at the same time.     Scott, our director, was proud of us tonight.   We could tell that we did well also.   It feels good when we do.   He is picking some really gorgeous music, I must say.

Tomorrow, Escanaba in Da Moonlight, at Memories with Bobbie and Bill.

I love time with them.   We always have fun.

I am blessed.

Dia Dhuit


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